Monday, December 16, 2013


VON ORMY— Von Ormy resident Charlie Brown has filed for a place on the ballot for the newly created Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1, Place 2.  Bexar County Commissioners created the new position as part of their restructuring of the Counties Justices of the Peace.
     Former Precinct 1 Justice of  the Peace Monica Caballero was transferred to Precinct 2 and the downtown court was closed.
   A new part-time position was created that will hold court at the Precinct 1  Country Facility on Pleasanton Road.  Charlie Brown is running for this position and will face former Congressman Ciro Rodriguez in the general election.
   Brown told the Star, ‘I am running because I believe the residents of Precinct 1 want a fair and impartial judge.  I have no higher ambitions, nor will I use my judgeship as a platform to run for any other office.’
    Brown is also running on a platform of support for a more convenient location of the Court.  ‘Precinct 1 is the largest precinct by geography. The County just closed our downtown court.  We need to look a new second location in the western side of this large Precinct.  Historically, the Court was once in Von Ormy.  Both Judge Ella Fischer and Judge Rafael Quintana held their Justice Courts here.  It is definitely something to consider’

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