Friday, July 12, 2013


Staff Writer
SOMERSET—The Somerset ISD Education Foundation held its 5th Annual Academic Recognition Banquet on Saturday, May 11, 2013 at the Ft. Sam Houston Golf Club in San Antonio.  This event honored students for their academic achievement, teachers for their commitment to excellence and parents for their continued support.  This year’s event honored 31 students and recognized their teacher or staff member of their choice who has made a difference in their lives. 
     The Master of Ceremonies for the event was Ret. Col. Robert Casias, President of SISD Education Foundation; Mr. Saul Hinojosa, Superintendent of Schools made the opening remarks; Guest Speaker for the event was Mr. Ken Mercer with the State Board of Education; Student Mauricio Sierra led the guests in the Pledge of Allegiance and Student Cleore Reed presented the Moment of Reflection.  Ms. Elizabeth Severance and Ms. Margie Willems gave recognition to the Students and their Teachers and Mrs. Susie Hernandez presented them with a gift from the SISDEF Board Members for their achievements. 
     This year’s recognized Students were: Brittany Bradley and Teacher Pamela Langley; Ciara Calderon and Teacher Nicole Roberts; Elias Carballo and Teacher Adrian Lopez; Sontera Crabb and Teacher McKenna Flagg; Ashley DeLeon and Teacher Chris Oettinger; Hunter Dorman and Teacher Bea Villarreal; Selena Duran and Teacher Norma Marquez; Summer Edwards and Teacher Chris Oettinger; Jasmine Estrada and Teacher Luvin Chapa; Osbaldo Gonzalez and Teacher “Coach” Jeff Lentz; Edgar Graciano and Teacher Jared Cooper; Cassandra Hernandez and Teacher Conrad Davis; Cande Marines and Teacher Conrad Davis; Diane Lopez; Adamary Martinez and Teacher Adrian Lopez; Tyler Mitchell and Teacher Justin Taylor; Pedro Molina and Teacher “Coach” Marvin Allen; Jessika Morales and Teacher Rosario Lopez; Diego Munoz and Teacher Pamela Langley; Melissa Pena and Teacher Deborah Mendoza; Irving Ramirez and Teacher Chris Oettinger; Cleore Reed and Teacher Samantha Brusnighan; Dominique Sandoval and Teacher “Coach” Abraham Alvarez; Mauricio Sierra and Teacher Elizabeth Severance; Clarissa Silva and Teacher Frances Navarro; Keather Spillane and Teacher First Sergeant Will Harrison; Moises Valadez and Teacher Jonathan Boykin; Ruby Jean Velasquez and Teacher Jared Cooper; Nickolas Villarreal and Teacher Sheila Roper; Kaitlyn Wilson; Grant Winn and Teacher Sheila Roper. 

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