Regular meeting 2/6/2013
—Amended noise ordinance to allow two complaints to constitute cause for an offense
—Approved going out to bid for 2013 city audit
—Approved change of communications contract from ATT to Verison
—Established staff briefings at mid-month meeting
Special Meeting 2/19/2013
—Approved join meeting with City of Somerset to discuss strategic plan for 1604 corridor
—Approved special election for renewal of 1/4 cent sales tax to fund street maintenance in city
—Authorized Bexar County to conduct the City’s May 11 election
—Revised Municipal Buildings mechanical, electrical and plumbing plan
—Approved posting of bid for Municipal Building upon approval of new MEPs (see above)
—Approved moving forward with comprehensive plan public hearings
Regular Meeting 3/6/2013
—Mayor delivered State of the City Address
—Council approved bid by RSBP, LLC to develop Texas Water Development Board grant application for sewer system
—City Engineer gave status update on city projects, including Von Ormy Rd cul-du-sac drainage improvements, retention pond in city park, walking trails, and Quarterhorse reconstruction.
—Christopher Zelinsky and Tabitha Geurrero were approved and sworn in as Deputy City Marshals
—Increased the time allocated under “citizens to be heard” from 3 to 5 minutes per person, provided that less than 5 speakers have signed up.
Special Meeting 3/11/2013
—Candidates for office drew for order on the ballot
—Set date and time for City Dumpster Day for Saturday, April 20, 8AM to 2 PM,
Planning and Zoning 3/11/2013
—Set dates for public comment on comprehensive plan of April 3 and April 17
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